Month: August 2016

Reunion Deadline Reminder

Reunion-3smallHey everyone, just a quick reminder – reservations for our Genetti Family Reunion (Oct. 7-9) must be in by this Thursday, September 1st! If you haven’t already mailed your completed reservation form with check, you must do it today!

If you are not a member of the Genetti Family, but would like to attend the Saturday afternoon workshop, “The Basics of DNA Testing”, please complete and mail the Afternoon Workshop Reservation Form. We welcome all members of the community to this special interactive workshop.

I just heard from Bill Genetti in Hazleton, and from the reservations we have already received, over 100 family members from all over the United States are expected to attend reunion weekend! It looks like every branch of the American Genetti family will be represented! How cool is that! What an amazing opportunity to share our Tyrolean heritage!

I look forward to seeing all of you in October!


Reunion News!

Reunion Weekend Reservation Form (includes all weekend activities)

Saturday Afternoon Workshop Reservation Form (for workshop only)

Workshop Description: The Basics of DNA Testing

Evening Presentation Description: The Genetti Family of Castelfondo: Our Journey to America

Reunion Raffle and Door Prizes

Reunion Sponsors






Reunion Photos


Genetti Family Reunion – 1987 – Hazleton, PA
First Row Seated, L to R: Gus Genetti, Esther Bott Clark, Jean Branz Daly, Catherine Branz LaPorte, Betty Zambotti Reich, Aunt Ann Genetti NcNelis, Leo Zambotti, Catherine Genetti Farkus, Rita Genetti Young, Agnes Bott York, Marianne Genetti, Bill Genetti. 1st Row Standing, L to R: Val Genetti, Gus Genetti III, Joseph LaPorte, Louis Reich, Erma Zambotti, Steve Farkus, Elaine White Young, unknown, unknown, Pat Genetti.

Thanks to Jean Branz Daly, we have just added a few more reunion group photos to our Reunion News page. Take a stroll down memory lane and see what the Genetti family looked like in years past. Click here then scroll to the bottom of the page to see reunions from 1983, 1987, 1992, 1994 and 1995. Jean even provided most of the names for the 1987 photo.

Alas, many of our old-timers are no longer with us. Some who were pictured in the early reunions, were born in Castelfondo, Tyrol (Stanley Genetti, Ann Genetti McNelis). We owe them a debt of gratitude as the first immigrants of our family. They came to Pennsylvania as children, forging a life for future generations. Their children were the first generation to be born in America. Many of our 1st generation family members are also pictured throughout the years (Jean Branz Daly, Catherine Branz LaPorte, Gus Genetti, Bill Genetti, Marianne Genetti, Betty Zambotti Reich).

Can you help identify others in our reunion photos? I know some, but not all. It would be a great gift to the family if we can positively identify each person in all of these photos. If you can help or you were in any of these photos, write me at with your photo names, reunion year and position in the photo.

Many thanks to Jean Branz Daly (the granddaughter of Damiano and Oliva Genetti). Jean has been a frequent contributor to our family website and we are sincerely grateful! Grazie mille Jean!

Hey – have you sent in your Reunion Reservation yet? Only one week to go before the reservation deadline of September 1st! Don’t miss out on this special event – meet new cousins, hug old cousins, two special presentations, great food and loads of door prizes! It will be a memorable weekend for all, celebrating our Genetti Family heritage!

Check the links below for Reunion info:

Reunion News!

Reunion Reservation Form

Afternoon Workshop: The Basics of DNA Testing

Evening Presentation: The Genetti Family of Castelfondo: Our Journey to America

Reunion Prizes!

Reunion Sponsors

Reservation Deadline: Sept 1st!

Reunion-3smallHave you mailed your Reunion Reservation Form yet? The reservation deadline is fast approaching – you only have 15 days left to reserve your space for the Genetti Family Reunion 2016 (deadline is September 1st). What are you waiting for?

It’s important that all reservation forms are received by the requested deadline. Patrick at the Genetti Ballrooms needs a head count to reserve the right size room and to plan our meals. Please don’t delay – print your Reservation Form and mail it TODAY with payment. Click here for the online Reunion Reservation Form.

So far we have cousins attending from nine states! And I know from your emails, there are many more of you who are making the trip to Hazleton but haven’t sent in your reservations yet.

Only 50 days left until “Reunion 2016: A Gathering of Genetti Descendants.” Reunion Weekend, October 7-9, will give you the opportunity to meet new cousins, share family stories and learn about our shared ancestry. If you have enjoyed reading our family website, we have so much more to tell you during our special DNA workshop and evening presentation. Each and every one of you is a vital part of our Genetti heritage! We look forward to your attendance and participation at this event to celebrate our family and the centuries of history that came before us.

Stop by the Reunion News Page for updates and to read about our weekend presentations:

The Basics of DNA Testing

The Genetti Family of Castelfondo: Our Journey to America

Don’t hesitate – print out your reservation form and get it in the mail today!

I look forward to seeing all of you in October!

Reunion Updates

Update: The Basics of DNA Testing

DNAhelixWe have received several requests from non-family members who would like to attend our Saturday afternoon workshop: “The Basics of DNA Testing“. So due to “popular demand” we have decided to open the workshop to the community with a small admission fee.

Have a friend who might benefit from this lively, interactive workshop? Please invite them and share the following info:

If you are NOT a Genetti descendant but live in the Hazleton area and would like to learn more about DNA testing, there is an admission fee of $10 to attend the afternoon workshop. Reservations are required with a deadline of September 15th (for workshop only). To make reservations, please click here for the Workshop Reservation Form.  Have questions? Click here for our online Contact Form.

If you are a Genetti descendant, attending the reunion weekend and have made a reservation for the evening Banquet Dinner, the Saturday workshop and after-dinner presentation are included in your reservation fee (there is no additional charge or reservation needed for either presentation with the purchase of your banquet dinner).

TreeSmallUpdate: Reunion Sponsors

Thank you to the generous people and companies who have supported Genetti Family Reunion 2016! Your donations and in-kind gifts are most appreciated. Click here to visit our new Reunion Sponsor page.


XmasOrnamentUpdate: Reunion Prizes

Stop by and see all of the goodies donated to our Reunion Weekend. You’re sure to walk away with some super Genetti “swag”. Click here to see Reunion Prizes.




The reservation deadline is fast approaching! All reservations for Reunion activities must be in by September 1st! Visit our Reunion News! page for more info. Click here to download your 2016 Genetti Reunion Reservation Form.


Casa di Genetti (Lanci)


Genetti home in Castelfondo, about 1916
click photo for a larger view

Surprises abound when you are connected to your roots!

I belong to a private group on FaceBook called Chei da Chastelfon. Members are either from my ancestral village of Castelfondo in Trentino or have family members who were born there. A few days ago I found this fantastic black and white photograph on Chei da Chastelfon’s group page. It was posted by Luciana Genetti, one of my Italian cousins. Luciana and I share my 3rd great-grandparents, Antonio Genetti and Veronica Panizza. In official cousin terms, we are 3rd cousins, once removed.

Luciana’s beautiful vintage photo was captured sometime around 1916 and is the Castelfondo home of Genetti Lanci. Yes, my ancestors were “Lanci” – a sopranome or nickname used by a particular branch of our family. I have been told that “Lanci” was originally from old German meaning Lance. I have no idea where or how this sopranome became attached to our branch of the Genetti family other than it is noted in baptismal records as early as the 1600’s. You can still see the sopranome used today on family markers in the village cemetery.

Luciana’s photo caption reads: “Cento anni fa i soldati austriaci davanti a casa nostra (Lanci). Viva la Pace e la Convivenza!”

Since my Italian is limited, I ran this through Google Translator. It translates as: “One hundred years ago the Austrian soldiers in front of our house (Lanci). Alive Peace and Coexistence!”


The Genetti home today, with restored fresco and carved Coat-of-Arms over the doorway.
click photo for a larger view

If you remember world history, at the time this photo was taken it was during World War I. Tyrol was, and had been for centuries, part of the Austrian-Hapsburg Dynasty. Only in 1918, after WW I, was Tyrol turned over to Italy to become the Northern Italian province of Trentino. That is why many of our ancestors who immigrated to America around 1900 considered themselves Tyrolean (not Italian) and had Austrian passports.

Here is what Casa Lanci looks like today. As you can see, the home has been restored and updated. The structure dates to the mid-1500’s (or possibly older). It now houses five apartments, several of which are owned by Luciana and her sisters. The beautiful fresco of Madonna and Child, seen on the front side wall, was restored in 1998 with funds donated by Adriana Genetti, Luciana’s sister.

La nostra gratitudine a Luciana per contribuire questa foto. Mille grazie!

I have also added Luciana’s photo to our photograph page of Castelfondo. Take a quick visit to our ancestral village, click here to access this page on our family website.

The Story of a Mailbox


Every week I receive emails from cousins near and far. Many have family stories or photos to share with me. But an email I received last week, was truly unusual in nature! It came from a gentleman named Gerard Loeve who lives in The Netherlands. Gerard tracked down our family website via search, because he was intrigued by the name on a mailbox! I love this story – how a total stranger from another country connect to our family through a photo taken 36 years ago on a trek through the American southwest. Here is Gerard’s email. I’m sure you’ll find his tale totally charming!

“My name is Gerard Loeve from Gouda, The Netherlands. In 1980 I traveled the western part of the U.S. with two of my best friends. After our U.S. visit I have been so fortunate to see much more of the globe between 1980 and the present day. Most of my travels were before digital photography and part of the heritage of my travels is a collection of 26,000 slides. A couple of years back I started digitizing (scanning) my nicest and/or most interesting slides (in random travel order). It is a very time consuming process, but the reward is huge. I ‘live’ it all once more and my collection is preserved for ever, also in ‘the cloud’.

You must be wondering what all this has to do with you. I will explain. I am presently scanning the slides of my 1980 visit I mentioned above. One of them was taken in Wyoming along a desolate road. My two friends are standing next to the car in the distance. In the forefront of the picture there are a number of typical US mailboxes we don’t see in Europe. After scanning, removing dust & scratches and executing other improvements, I noticed a name on the nearest box: Herman Genetti.

For some reason his name intrigued me and I started a search on the internet where I came across your ‘The Genetti Family Genealogy Project’. After some reading and surfing on your very impressive website (my compliments!), I am almost convinced the mailbox must have belonged to the Herman Angelo Genetti who wrote ‘Herman’s Howling’s’, the book which is mentioned on your website. Since slides do not contain any meta data, I have been doing some more puzzling. The picture was taken in southern direction on October 4, 1980, along road 189, somewhere in the La Barge, Wyoming surroundings, where Herman used to live, as far as I figure.

Why I have been doing the search I can not explain. Maybe because my wife’s aunt is also from Southern Tirol (Quero, near Belluno). Her aunt owns a very famous Ice Parlor in The Hague and we have visited Italy very often. We have a ‘thing’ for Italy I suppose. I don’t know. Of course I told my wife about the above and she suggested I should tell you my little story and send you the picture. So here we are. I do not know if my story is of any interest to you, so please do with it what you like.

Of course, you will find ‘the’ 1980 slide scan, the trigger for all this, attached to this mail.”

I agree with Gerard – this must have been Herman Genetti’s mailbox located along the side of the road in La Barge, Wyoming!

Our thanks to Gerard for sharing this story with us! I hope one day to visit he and his wife in The Netherlands – and we will raise a toast to our ancestor, Herman Genetti!

If you haven’t already, check out Herman’s biography “Herman’s Howlings” on our website: click here to read the digital version of his book.

Reunion Prizes!


Genetti Stein

We have collected oodles of door prizes, raffle prizes, give-a-ways and even an auction piece for the upcoming Genetti Reunion. If you are planning to attend the weekend festivities, there’s a great chance you will go home with some fabulous Genetti goodies!

Look what “swag” has been donated so far:

  • Free copies of FILÒ Magazine: A Quarterly Magazine for Tyrolean Americans
  • Subscriptions for and
  • Autosomal DNA kits from
  • Lots of cool items from our Genetti Family Shop
  • A beautiful piece of Art Glass by Gary Genetti (generously donated by Jeanne Murphy Genetti)

Descriptions of all prizes and give-a-ways are online at: Reunion Prizes!


Ancestry DNA Kits

Have any interesting family-related items that you would like to donate to the reunion as a door prize? I’m thinking along the lines of vintage or collectible Genetti memorabilia – or books related to our Tyrolean heritage. Maybe you are an artist, writer, craftsman or musician and would like to share a small piece of your art with us. Do you own a business? How about donating a gift certificate to your establishment. All donations will be included on our Reunion Prizes page as well as our Sponsor page (to be posted soon!). What creative ideas can you come up with?  Email me at if you have a door prize donation and I will send you delivery instructions.

Only 67 days until Genetti Family Reunion 2016! Have you sent in your registration yet? Click here to download your Reservation Form. Remember – all reservations must be in by September 1st!